To be inspired from the next generation !

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I want to start by quoting the 1900 century  foremost Science man Mr Albert Einstein, on a question from a journalist during the 1930’s. The question from the journalist read something like this: What is it that made ​​you so successful as a  scientist? Albert is said to have replied without reflection, quote: “I never stopped to think like a child” end quote.
Nikki o KidIf the twentieth century’s foremost scientist categories respond that way. It sends signals to the undersigned to continue to try to continue think like a children as long as possible. Actually i think what Albert meant in his context is that children don’t have same kind of Blocking tought’s as we have when we grove and get older.

Yesterday evening I got the privilege and opportunity to raw about my brother’s and his wife’s children for a few hours, I had planned a little “Survival Course” (If power is lost) in a domestic environment, we trained to switch off all the lights and used us only by separate flashlight to see what we did. We built a hut under the kitchen table where we cooked and ate the cabin. We had story time with Land Theme in darkness. Results of the signed

They were magical and much participation

I had the pleasure of awarding a certificate upon completion of training to both “Student’s” above.

Live and let live/ Mikael




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