Disconnected on many levels

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Related to my recent headline, this title suitable for this absence. I realize that my last entry was made ​​on February 1, it will be almost a month ago. What is the reason that i have not written anything for a month? I would like to write that i found myself in a land without roads, without access to the electronics and the internet, where days filled with hunt down and collect food from the wild Nature, where i built my temporary shelter, which i spent a number of cold nights and days together with Guess. But the answer is that i could not because i have not worked so hard over a number of years. But for now, I’m working with a monthly salary in Sveg.

Husets data plats

Gammal bild från Fridhem

We’ll see how long it gets, the advantage of a salary is that you can get internet and thus communicate in this medium of what is happening. I have written a number of posts offline that i gonna post later on
All of you who sometimes peeking in on this page, I can only tell you that I’m back and feel very confident in the spring of 2013. i feel happy to again be able to share with you all information that has bearing to my adventures and projects.
Best regards Mikael





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